Ending the road Bend: Protest Zone

This is the bend which is causing trouble for the drivers of motor vehicles.

Mysuru: Nearly a thousand protestors formed a Human Chain opposing the State Government’s Rs. 12 crore plan to widen and straighten the Hunsur Road near Jaladarshini Guest House. Through Human Chain and silent march, they debunked the government theory that the road is leading to accidents and appealed to the authorities not to cut trees. In unison, they conveyed the message: “Cut Speed, Not Trees.”

The protestors gathered at Kalamandira at around 10.30 am and occupied the footpath on the busy road and formed the Human Chain till the Jaladarshini Guest House, without disturbing the traffic. The protesters were supported by Mysore Grahakara Parishat (MGP), CFTRI Association, Breakthrough, Lucky School Group, Lets Do It! Mysore, Kukkarahalli Kere Ulisi Samithi, Green Mysuru, People Tree, Mysuru Memes, Swachha Mysuru, Wild Mysuru, Samarpana Foundation, Clean Mysuru Foundation and other associations.

Holding and hanging placards around their necks, protesters from all age groups termed the road widening and straightening project as unnecessary and a sheer waste of money. The placards read “Save trees, not traffic offenders”, “Save trees for future generations” and “Convenient opportunity to make money”. Three children too were part of the protests and they were drawing attention of authorities.

Maj. Gen. (Rtd.) S.G. Vombatkere is seen addressing the protesters at Kalamandira premises in city this morning.

Addressing the gathering, Maj. Gen. (Rtd.) S.G. Vombatkere said that the project is a waste of precious resources and there was no need for such a project that damages the fragile ecosystem.

“If at all there are accidents, motorists have to be blamed not the landscape,” Maj. Gen.Vombatkere said and added that representations against the project have been sent to Chief Minister Siddharamaiah, PWD and Mysuru District In-charge Minister Dr. H.C. Mahadevappa, MLA Vasu and others.

Participating in the protest, Star of Mysore Editor-in-Chief K.B. Ganapathy said that the government is wasting Rs. 12 crore for the project. “First they sanction money and next they prepare the plan. Is there any logic to this?” he questioned. Expert engineers can find a way out and a scientific way of avoiding accidents can be implemented here, he opined and said that more protests like the “Appiko Chaluvali” (hugging trees to prevent cutting) will be held.

“Instead of straightening roads and curves, we must focus on changing minds to establish social equality,” he said. Citing Police records, Ganapathy said that out of 100 accidents on this particular stretch, over 60 accidents are the result of drunken driving that mostly occur late in the night or in the wee hours. “In such a case, we need to question the logic behind such a destructive project,” he felt.

Speaking to Star of Mysore, Civil Contractor S. Shylajesha said, “every place, every person, every little thing has its own identity. Each and every road, house and the trees grown tall at every corner has its own identity. Mysuru as a whole is the identity. We have to retain the small elements that make Mysuru so special.”

“Every road has a curve, deviation and they are the essence of roads. And there are trees on either sides of it which makes them pleasant and peaceful. They not only provide shade to us but also shelter to a wide variety of wild forms. The trees, the lungs of earth, are keeping the roads alive. Every curve in the road is very important,” he added.

MGP President S.D. Saokar said that if at all the road is straightened, it will increase the existing speed of vehicles and lead to more accidents. MGP members and other environmental activists Ko.Su. Narasimha Murthy, B.S. Shankar, Vasanthkumar Mysoremath, Rotary Mysore President K.R. Shantha Murthy and others took part.

This post was published on October 22, 2017 6:59 pm