English version of ‘Sindhu Darshana’ to be released in Bengaluru

The English version of the Kannada book Sindhu Darshana written by columnist Dr.V. Ranganath will be released at a function to be held on Aug. 4 at 12 noon at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (BVB) on Race Course Road in Bengaluru. Indresh Kumar of Sindhu Darshana Uthsava Samithi will release the book. Retired High Court Chief Justice Rama Jois will preside. RSS Regional Convenor N. Thippeswamy, Writer Chakravarthi Sulibele, Samithi Chairman Dr. Venkatesh Mourya and Publisher Samskruti Subramanya will be the guests of honour.

This post was published on July 26, 2019 5:49 pm
