Enhance globe trotting

It is said that Conch shells or cowrie shell have a special meaning in Feng Shui and they are said to enhance the travel luck and also to strengthen long distance relationship.

Traveling for a holiday or business would be more joyous when we have no obstacles or stressful situations during the journey and at our destinations. Traveling to far off and strange places, meeting new people, and new culture and at times unable to even communicate as they may not follow your language adds to the worry especially when you have irksome situations.

The Northwest sector of a house or a room governs mentor, travel and help from benefactors and is also called as the direction of the “Heaven’s gate” or the direction that ushers in “heavens blessings.” Hence as per Feng Shui principle, activating the northwest corner of your house or office can help you enjoy safe and pleasant travel as frequently as you desire. 

It is said that Conch shells or cowrie shell have a special meaning in Feng Shui and they are said to enhance the travel luck and also to strengthen long distance relationship.

If you wish to enhance your travel luck and also create a good energy to support your travel aspirations, place images of places you would like to travel to in the northwest (travel) sector, (in Feng Shui, moving to a new home or relocating to a new job position also counts as travel). A missing northwest sector in a property greatly impacts your travel luck as well as your luck for meeting helpful people.

If you want people to be good to you while you are travelling and in everyday life, keep the northwest sector tidy and boost “helpful people” Chi by decorating it as follows:

• Add hues and decor of silver, gold, white and black to boost the energy of this sector.

• Add wind chimes to positively activate the metal energy of this sector.

• Place images of your favourite deities, angels, or loved ones (who are no longer with you) to protect you.

• Place a conch shell to boost travel luck. For a stable career try placing a basket of shells on a table by the front door.

• Add shells to water fountains to protect and retain money as flowing water symbolises wealth.

Feng Shui tenets say that shells are useful to attract overseas business and relationship luck. They are also an excellent symbol for those who wish to have harmonious relationship with the rich and the famous. A nice large shell of at least 6-8 inches is more effective and when such shell is placed at the South sector of the living room, it enhances the good reputation and name of the occupant. It could also be placed in the southwest or the Northeast sectors of the living room to strengthen education and relationship luck.


This post was published on July 26, 2021 6:05 pm