Events tomorrow – OCT.  11: Minhaj-ul-Quran International India, Mysuru

Jhashne Eid Meelad-un-Nabi under the Chairmanship of Hazarath Moulana Mohd. Usman Shariff, Sir Qazi of Mysuru, Hazarath Syed Imran Mustafa Saheb and Group hailing from Hyderabad delivers the Mehfil Naath programme — phrases of Prophet Muhammad (PBHU) — Islamic Scholars, Ulmas, Sufizam and prominent persons from Karnataka will participate, Meelad Bagh, Ashoka Road, 7 pm to 10 pm. [Mob: 98805-26347 or Rehaman on Mob: 99018-94360].

This post was published on October 10, 2022 3:45 pm