Excel in Dance Examination

Sri Nruthya Nikethana Dance School, Bogadi, has secured cent percent result in the Junior and Senior Grade Dance Exams conducted by KSEEB, Bengaluru, for the year 2018. Out of 18 students, three got distinction, 13 got first class and two passed out in 2nd class. Seen in the picture are (from left – standing) K. Saanvi, Anoushka Sujith, S.R. Monisha, K. Srivalli, School Director Prasannalakshmi Kaladhar, Jilna Maria Joy, A.R. Shreyanka, S. Priyanka, R. Jayapriya, K. Monika, B. Gnanavi; (sitting) Tiana Chandra, Tanusha S. Naik, P. Gnanshree, P. Bhoomika, Pallavi, C.P. Darshini, M.S. Shreya and M.B. Thryaee.

This post was published on September 24, 2018 5:19 pm
