Excel in Karate Championship

Karatekas of Sai Education Institution (Bachpan School) excelled in the State-level Karate Championship organised by IMSKA (International Mabuni Ha Shito Ryu Karate Association) at Mysore University Gymnasium Hall in city recently. Seen are (standing from left) Areeba – participant, Dipti – Bronze in Kata, Harshika – Bronze in Kata, Sensei Prajwal and Secretary and Principal Bhavana Bajaj, Lathik – Gold in Kata, Umar – participant, Prajwal – Bronze in Kata; (sitting from left) Henrika – Gold in Kata and Ahyan, Ishita, Manha & Yeshwanth – all participants.

This post was published on March 11, 2020 4:22 pm
