Facebook Live event by AIISH on school-going special children

AIISH All India Institute Speech and Hearing (AIISH)AIISH All India Institute Speech and Hearing (AIISH)

Mysore/Mysuru: All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH),  Mysuru, has organised a Facebook Live programme tomorrow between 2 and 3 pm.

The programme will focus on the difficulties faced by school going special children and management options available for children with communication disorders. 

Dr. Preethi Venkatesh, Associate Professor in Special Education, Department of Special Education, AIISH and Freddy Antony, Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology, AIISH, will be the resource persons. S. Vijayalakshmi, Special Education, Department of Special Education, AIISH, will be the moderator.

This post was published on July 1, 2021 6:33 pm
