Fix traffic menace at Deve Gowda Circle on Mysuru-Bannur road


Nowadays it is very difficult to pass through Deve Gowda Circle on Mysuru – Bannur Outer Ring Road (ORR) junction, particularly for women and senior citizens, who are facing serious problems in this junction as heavy motor vehicles and cars move recklessly on either way.

There are no automatic signal  lights or speed breakers at this junction. Though Traffic Policemen are deputed daily, they will be busy in checking helmetless two-wheeler riders. When I casually enquired them, they claimed to be helpless in manning such a huge traffic movement. There are no high mast lights or streetlights at this Circle, as installed in other ORR junctions in the city.

It really surprised me, though there are a number of senior government officials, MLAs and Ministers passing through this junction, no one has bothered to bring this to the notice of Police.

Through this column I request the officials concerned to take measures by installing signal lights at this place immediately, to avoid fatal accidents.

– G.S. Kumar, Bhugatagalli, Bannur Road, 4.2.2023

This post was published on March 7, 2023 6:55 pm
