Forest Department stalls construction in Nagarahole ESZ

Mysore/Mysuru: The Karnataka Forest Department has stopped construction of a residential unit on farmland in the Kabini backwaters coming under the Nagarahole Eco-Sensitive Zone (ESZ) after widespread speculation that it could be used for constructing a resort. A notice has been issued to the owner of the farmland on which the construction was being done and authorities said it did not appear to be a dwelling unit for a family.

Mahesh Kumar, Director, Nagarahole Tiger Reserve, said yesterday that there was a change of land-use pattern from Agriculture and Horticulture to construction. As per the draft notification of the ESZ, such changes of land-use pattern are not permitted and the owner has been issued a week’s time to reply.

The construction falls not only in the ESZ of Nagarahole Tiger Reserve, but on a swathe of land that connects it with Bandipur. The said farmland at N. Belathur village is also part of Mysore Elephant Reserve, notified in 2002.

A former PCCF (Wildlife) said the area was vital for wildlife animals to access drinking water and the construction would also obstruct the movement of wildlife from Bandipur to Nagarahole and back.

This post was published on July 16, 2020 6:37 pm
