Free Arabic classes for girls and women

Mysuru: Darul Uloom Raza Mustaffa Arabic College, # 598, 6th Cross, Azeez Sait Double Road at Shanthinagar in city is conducting free Arabic classes in Kannada, Urdu and English and also computer classes for girls and women from today (July 1) at the College premises, under experienced lady teachers.

Courses such as Shoba-e-Hifz, Nazira, Moulvi etc. will be held daily from 7 am to 8 am. 

For details,  contact, Mob: 99724-93424 (Principal),  99728-28851 (President) or 99454-99592 ( Secretary), according to a press release.

This post was published on July 1, 2019 7:28 pm