Free hearing screening camp on Feb. 11

All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH), Mysuru, in co-ordination with Bhanavi Hospital, Kuvempunagar, has organised a free hearing screening camp on Feb.11 between 8 am and 1 pm at Bhanavi Hospital.  Persons of all ages will be tested for their ear and hearing related problems. Public may avail of the services by AIISH and Bhanavi Hospital. For details contact A.R. Keerthi, PRO, AIISH on Mob: 98441-81080.

Hearing loss is known to be the most prevalent among various disabilities. Early identification is the key for effective rehabilitation. Therefore, in order to identify hearing loss early, WHO commemorates March 3 every year as World Hearing Day (WHD). The theme of World Hearing Day-2023 is “Ear and Hearing care for all, let’s make it a reality.”

This post was published on February 10, 2023 6:04 pm