Free home visit for hearing screening of elders in city

All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH), Mysuru, is organising a free home visit hearing screening for people above 65 years who require bed-side testing between Feb.27 and Mar.3.

This programme is held in commemoration of World Hearing Day (WHD) on Mar. 3 every year with the theme “Changing mindsets: Let’s make ear and hearing care a reality for all.” 

The expert team will be available at the doors of the elderly individuals with hearing loss who are unable to walk on their own and avail the services for hearing related problems. 

Citizens of Mysuru can avail the facility by calling Ph: 0821-2502281 or Mob: 99023-28819 or e-mail:,  according to a press release  from A.R. Keerthi, PRO, AIISH, Mysuru.

This post was published on February 26, 2024 6:01 pm