Gandhiji continues to inspire others: Info Dept. DD

Mysuru: Deputy Director of Information and Public Relations Department Ashok Kumar said “The name Mahatma Gandhi itself evokes inspiration from which one can derive immense energy.” Participating in a programme organised to distribute prizes to the winners of Gandhi drawing contest organised by Department of Information and Public Relations and Government High School, Hosahundi, Kumar said “Gandhiji’s life is like a great book everybody should read. If one reads Gandhiji, it is like reading his way of life. He was in the lead of freedom movement and propagated non-violence with which he defeated the mighty British force.” “We should imbibe the spirit of patriotism by practicing the life of simplicity and straight forwardness like Gandhiji,” opined Kumar.

Every year, the Department of Information and Public Relations organises programmes related to Gandhiji like- Drawing and programmes on his life and achievements. Besides, Gandhi  Bhavan is being built in every district in memory of Gandhiji, informed Kumar.

Mohammed Shariff Head Master of Government High School, Hosahundi said “By incorporating the values propagated by Gandhiji in our life, we can also take a step towards following in the path laid down by him. By leading a disciplined life Gandhiji’s lifestyle was totally different when he was in South Africa. Hence Gandhiji can be termed as national identity.” President of School Development Monitoring Committee (SDMC) Ravikumar and teachers of the school were present.

This post was published on November 5, 2023 7:24 pm