Garnering Happiness and Harmony

Feng Shui is an ancient tool used to create harmonious, peaceful and joy-filled environments. The metaphysical science which is over 3,000 years old  creates the perfect environment and feel in a building, be it a home or workplace.

Feng Shui’s true roots start with the land your building is placed upon.  The land’s condition, as well as its shape, has implications in the life that you lead in that home or business.  The care you put into your exterior, reflects in the inner workings of your mind, and life.

The language of Feng Shui is intricate and complex; houses and their surroundings are studied carefully for their influence on people living in the house. Hence, it is very important to ensure  that the quality of energy in your home determines the quality of your everyday family interactions.

Abundance is not only wealth, but happiness and peace too. True abundance means you are wealthy, prosperous, happy and peaceful;  by adapting Feng Shui tenets its quite easy to achieve this. In short the place of dwelling  is a metaphor for what you want in your life. If your intention is to achieve more happiness then focus on transforming your home into a living affirmation of joy. 

A home of work place with a good view and environment is quite difficult in the present times due to growth and expansion of the city . However, from Feng Shui perspective, the view that you see from your home is important  and is essential.  An ideal view looking out the front door is one that is expansive which leads to attracting positive events into your life. 

To create a happy and harmonious home to bring in more peace and under-standing into the  family life simple approach through proper design can be adapted by  working on the immediate environment and rearranging the furniture and decor in your home.

Out of all the compass directions, the centre sector is the most important to create right balance and harmony in a home. It is from the centre that all other areas of your home draw their energy nourishment.  The centre is called the heart of the home, or the yin yang point. The more open and happy the centre of the home is, the happier and more open the people who live in that home tend to be. Take good care of your centre by creating vibrant and harmonious energy there, bring decor items and images that speak to you of happiness.

It is said that Feng Shui energy  attracts like or in other words it attracts the kind of energy the place exudes, so a home that is clean, clutter free and loved will for sure promote a harmonious communication between all family members. If you have clutter, try to get rid of it and organise your space. And finally ensure that all your home decor and furnishing expresses  love and care. Using  Feng Shui tenets  you can  create a home that fully supports the health, happiness and well-being of your family and a home that is beautiful, joyful and full of love.


This post was published on April 19, 2021 6:05 pm