Garnering Wealth Chi

To enhance the possibilities of good happenings in our life and activate a flow of positive chi around our living space, we can have lotus flowers in urn or ponds as lotus is the world’s most popular flower and is strongly associated with good Feng Shui.

Feng Shui will help you rearrange what you have to create the best possible visual impression, so that your home will look more orderly, more balanced, and more beautiful. 

With a little bit of resourceful thinking, you can make Feng Shui work just by re-imagining how you can use the things you already have. The few specific decorative items used in Feng Shui that you may wish to purchase, like plants, mirrors and chimes, are not too expensive. So even if you do indulge in a bit of shopping to complete your Feng Shui project, it would be worth the effort and time invested. No doubt for a proper arrangement and correct Feng Shui you would need some professional advice and guidance.

In addition to removing obstacles, Feng Shui involves the accumulation or introduction of positive energy. When certain items are placed properly, they draw in the good energy that contributes to prosperity. From positive motivating objects and symbols of wealth, to coins and family photos, a variety of objects can play a role in manufacturing the right type of energy in your home.

If the aim is to acquire true wealth and prosperity, we require an environment that works with and not against. To achieve prosperity, one of the first steps in applying Feng Shui is to remove all clutter from our life and from our environment. The negative energy held by dead plants, broken and damaged furniture and uncompleted projects does not contribute to expanding wealth and well-being. Clutter can also be defined as anything unfinished, unresolved or unused.

Prosperity and abundance circulates through the universe and through all our lives. It is a never-ending flow of giving and receiving. Many associate prosperity with financial wealth but true riches are of many kinds. If you wish to enhance the wealth luck you could think of placing a Wealth Bowl which would depict wealth overflowing and abundance. You need to place in a leaded sparkling crystal bowl six smooth crystal balls, with yellow jasper ingots and coins and these are considered to be “wealth magnifiers.” Wealth Bowl not only creates abundance in wealth, but also protect potential wealth loss. The symbols send vibes to our minds to remind us of money seeking opportunities.

• One of the best representatives of a long and prosperous life in Feng Shui is the golden dragon turtle. It attracts prosperity to your business and improves relationships with those around you. Placing  a golden dragon turtle in the Southeast of an office or business facing toward the door is said to invite the kind of chi.

• At the South East corner of the living space place indoor plants to enrich the wealth potential or have a clean water fountain or aquarium.

• Small bells made of metal hung outside the front door symbolises “ringing out the coming of prosperity and good news.”


This post was published on August 31, 2020 6:05 pm