Gas pipeline installation: Unknown persons visiting door-to-door?


A month back, we had some persons who were on the prowl knocking on each house asking to register for gas pipeline connection.

There has been no official notification from the Government on which company has been given the authorisation to register for this service.

Of late, some teenage looking boys have come asking if gas lines are to be laid inside the compound till kitchen for the proposed gas pipeline. These persons do not have any uniform nor look professional. Upon asking for identity, they say they can produce but just move on  to the next house. This type of activities give rise to suspicion and do not augur well for residents.

Any company which is awarded this service should have proper uniformed personnel for installation displaying company identity and proper officers who interact with residents.

Concerned authorities should give proper press notice on this proposed gas connection procedures so that residents may take suitable decision.

– Charles Davison, Vijayanagar, 9.7.2022

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This post was published on July 13, 2022 5:55 pm
