Gita recitation contests

As part of Gita Jayanti, Srikantha Sanskrit School, KhilleMohalla, will be conducting a Bhagavad Gita  recitation contest and other competitions  for school children at SrikanthaBalika High School premises, KhilleMohalla, on Dec. 4 from 10 am. The contest will be held under three categories — Category 1: 1st to 4th standard (Bhagavad Gita Shlokas from 1 to 6); Category 2: 5th to 7th (Shlokas from 7 to 13) and Category 3: 8th to 10th std. (shlokas from 14 to 20).

Apart from recitation of the Shlokas, contestants from Category 2 and 3 have to explain meaning of at least two shlokas recited by them, while children of Category 1 are exempted from it. All contestants are asked to follow Swami Adidevananda’s ‘Srimadbhagavadgita’, published by Sri Ramakrishna Ashram.

Apart from recitation contest, there are other contests.  Recitation of the first ten Shlokas of Raghuvamsha, which is open to children of all classes from Primary to High School, Essay writing contest of not more than 2 pages on ‘Vishwaroopadarshanayoga’ which is open only for High School students and Music competition where in students have to recite  a poem of Purandaradasa or Kanakadasa.  A student can take part in all 4 contests. However, students aged above 16 years are not eligible to apply. Entry fee for each contest is Rs. 5. Last date to register is Dec. 2.  [Mob: 98805-43135 or 97394-14323]

This post was published on November 13, 2022 3:35 pm