Go. Ru. Cha Inter-College light music competition tomorrow

Rotary Mysore North and Inner Wheel Club of Mysore North have jointly organised Go. Ru. Cha Inter-College sugama sangeetha (light music) competition on Jan.11 at 11.30 am at Rotary Centre, JLB Road. The competitions will be held in three categories — Bhavageethe, film songs and folk songs. PU and Degree students may take part in the competition. Former Vice-Chancellor of Davangere University Dr. Indumati will inaugurate the event. Inner Wheel North President Chaitra Subbaiah will preside. Valedictory will be held at 6.30 pm with University of Mysore VC Prof. G. Hemantha Kumar as the chief guest. Rtn. M.K. Nanjaiah, Rotary North President, will preside.

This post was published on January 10, 2019 5:58 pm