Gold ornaments lifted from vanity bag

Mysuru:- Pickpockets have lifted gold ornaments from the vanity bag of a woman, while she was boarding a city bus at the City Bus Stand on Nov. 24.

The woman, who lost her gold ornaments is Sowmya, a resident of Mavinahalli in T. Narasipur. Sowmya’s parents stay at Nimishamba Nagar in city and her daughter is studying at a private school here. On Nov. 24, Sowmya, along with her daughter, came to city and went to the Bus Stand to board a city bus. 

While boarding the city bus, someone lifted a small purse kept in her vanity bag containing 20 grams gold chain and Rs. 500 cash. A case has been registered at Devaraja Police Station.

This post was published on November 27, 2022 6:04 pm