Golden Pigs bring home Prosperity & Happiness

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy that seeks to harmonise the human experience with our surrounding environment. Feng Shui teaches us that everything is energy, and we are in a constant energy exchange with everything around us. Hence, it is very important to create a Feng Shui home that has a happy and healthy energy.

In the present times, Architects, interior designers and home owners are not having inhibition in trying out the science of Feng Shui.  A good Feng Shui house has good Feng Shui anchored in its main activity zones or energy centres such as bedroom, kitchen and the bathroom. The quality of Feng Shui energy in a house mainly depends on the strength of Feng Shui energy in the above areas.

Logically, the entranceway is the gateway for flow of chi in a home. Keeping this area clean, clutter free and fresh is essential.  Placing plants in a clean doormat can make the entrance more welcoming. Feng Shui says that the path leading to the door must always be curved and not a simple straight line. This way the good chi can flow in, but the bad energy stays out. Even from an aesthetic point of view, it is hard to disagree. A curved entrance always has more appeal.

Traditional Chinese philosophy holds that there are five essential elements: fire, metal, earth, wood and water. Each element has a corresponding colour or hue, example, red is passion, blue is relaxation, brown is grounding etc. Hence while adapting colours one needs to exercise caution. Feng Shui suggests use of soothing, light and tranquil shades for the bedroom along with hints of natural greenery to uplift the space. Most importantly, it is good to combine a maximum of  3 colours in any specific room.
Using good lighting, mirrors and decor can uplift the energy flow in a room. Well-placed mirrors can help transmit the flow of energy. Place them in dining areas to increase the enjoyment of meals or near dark areas to bring light and energy to that space. But don’t put mirrors directly in front          of a door. Some symbols aid in improving the energy flow hence adapting the following symbolism would help.

• Place a Dragon Turtle — the dragon brings the Chi of success, courage and determination while the turtle symbolises longevity.

•  The Amethyst Gem Tree is believed to have great healing properties, bringing great strength, peace of mind and contentment.

• A pair of Golden Pigs will bring great prosperity and happiness to a household. A symbol of honesty and tolerance, the pig also signifies initiative and diligence.

Everything around us is in constant flow, in constant change. So, even after you’ve created a strong Feng Shui foundation in your house, the work continues. You have to get into the habit of keeping the energy fresh and flowing, and be very mindful about not creating stuck areas in your house.


This post was published on October 28, 2019 5:42 pm