Graduation Day ceremony held at GSSSIETW: Call to young engineers to be a part of global transformation

Graduation Day ceremony held at GSSSIETWGraduation Day ceremony held at GSSSIETW

Seen are (from left) Dr. M. Shivakumar, Principal, GSSSIETW, R.K. Bharath, Management Committee Member and CEO, GSSS, chief guest Vinayak Hegde, Vice-President & Development Centre Head, Infosys, Mysuru, Dr. M. Jagannath Shenoy, President, GSSS, Anupama B. Pandit, Secretary, GSSS, O. Pratap Kumar, Joint Secretary, GSSS and B.K. Nataraj, Management Committee Member, GSSS.

Mysuru: GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women (GSSSIETW), Mysuru, had organised Graduation Day Ceremony for the 2024 passed out B.E students recently at its M. Govinda Rao Memorial Hall here.

Vinayak Hegde, Vice-President & Development Centre Head, Infosys, Mysuru, who was the chief guest, advised the young minds to believe in themselves to become successful in future endeavours.

As India has got the youth power to transform the globe, he insisted the young engineers to be a part of the transformation by being passionate and making their dreams come true. He also appreciated the contribution of the women fraternity being with supreme power.

Dr. M. Jagannath Shenoy, President, GSSS, Mysuru, presided. Dr. M. Shivakumar, Principal, GSSSIETW, welcomed. Dr. P. Raviraj, Professor & Head, Department of CSE, GSSSIETW introduced the chief guest . Anupama B. Pandit, Secretary, GSSS, wished the passed out students to be successful in their future endeavours.

Degree certificates were distributed to 391 B.E students by the dignitaries. Oath was administered to students by Dr. K.S. Gururaj, Professor and Head, Department of ISE, GSSSIETW.

Dr. Sreeramulu Mahesh, Professor and Head, Department of EEE, GSSSIETW, proposed the vote of thanks.  Dr. S. Padmashree, Professor, Department of ECE, GSSSIETW,  compered.

The event was coordinated by Dr. Madhu M. Nayak, Associate Professor, Department of CSE, J. Usharani, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE and V.N. Shilpashree, Assistant Professor, Department of EEE.

This post was published on November 25, 2024 6:30 pm
