Gunasheela Fertility Centre to hold ‘Free IVF Camp’ in Bengaluru on Sept. 24

Free IVF CampFree IVF Camp

Bengaluru: Gunasheela Fertility Centre in Basa-vanagudi here is organising a ‘Free health check-up and IVF camp’ for infertile couples who are finding it difficult to conceive.

These may include patients who have had frequent IVF failures, recurrent pregnancy losses, repeated treatment failures — be it with IUI, IVM and patients with long years of married life without conception.

Those having above issues can also attend the free check-up camp to get a second opinion from the doctors.

This camp will be conducted on Sept. 24 at Gunasheela Fertility Centre, No.1, Dewan Madhava Rao Road, Opp. M.N. Krishna Rao Park, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru – 560004 between 8.30 am and 2.30 pm.

All the childless couples will undergo medical examination, scan and counselling free of cost.

A team of IVF specialists from Gunasheela Fertility Centre led by fertility Specialist                                            Dr. Devika Gunasheela will offer a comprehensive ‘free check-up’ service to childless couples.


 To participate in the camp, patients need to register their name at Gunasheela Fertility Centre, Basavanagudi, Ph: 080-46462600 or 080-26673588 or Toll-free No: 18004250524.

This post was published on September 21, 2022 6:20 pm
