‘Guru Bruhaspathi’ Award presentation on Aug. 6

Karnataka Kalashree Dr. K. Kumar, Professor and Head, Department of Dance, University College of Fine Arts, Mysuru, will be honoured with “Guru Bruhaspathi” National Award by Tara Arts Academy, Hyderabad, Telangana, during their All India Classical and Tribal Dance Fest-2023 on Aug. 6 at Telangana Bhavan in New Delhi. The two-day fest will be inaugurated on Aug.5 at 4 pm.

On the occasion, Dr. Kumar and his daughters, Kalemane Sisters K.M. Nidhi and K.M. Lekha will present a Bharatanatyam dance performance in the presence of Union Minister Athawale Ramdas Bandu and many other dignitaries.

This post was published on August 4, 2023 6:10 pm