High-Security Registration Plates: No precipitative action till June 12: Government informs High Court

Bengaluru: The State Government informed the High Court on Tuesday that it would not take any precipitative action until June 12 regarding the installation of High-Security Registration Plates (HSRP) for old vehicles registered before Apr. 1, 2019. This decision comes after the current deadline expires on May 31.

A Vacation Division Bench, comprising Justice S.R. Krishna Kumar and Justice Ramachandra D. Huddar, recorded the submission made by the Government Counsel. The Court adjourned further hearing on the appeals filed by the HSRP Manufacturers’ Association of India and others until June 11.

The Association pointed out that their plea challenging the Government’s notification, which allows only vehicle manufacturers to install HSRP on old vehicles, would become infructuous if the Government did not extend the May 31 deadline.

The Association has argued that all manufacturers of HSRP with a Type Approval Certificate granted by the relevant authorities should be allowed to install HSRP on old vehicles. They claim that allowing only vehicle manufacturer-selected HSRP manufacturers to install the plates favours influential HSRP manufacturers.

These manufacturers have already partnered with vehicle manufacturers and their dealers to supply HSRP for new vehicles. The State Government had issued the first notification on August 17, 2023. Thereafter, the deadline was extended twice.

This post was published on May 23, 2024 7:32 pm