Home Guards recruitment

District Home Guards Commandant has invited applications from eligible citizens for recruitment as Home Guard volunteers. Candidates who are aged below 50 years and have a qualification of Degree are eligible to apply. Candidates must have no connection with any political party activities or any organisations. They must be free from any legal cases. Applications must be submitted to the Deputy Commissioner (DC). Applicants must be residing within 20-km radius of  DC Office and must also have a confirmation medical certificate from District Surgeon. Candidates who have served in military, para-military  and Police Department for five years and those who have bagged Shourya or Gallantry Award or have NCC ‘A’ certificate may apply.

Applications should be submitted carrying copies of Aadhaar card, address proof, age proof, academic certificates and also those who are employed elsewhere should bring two references from the Office Head and submit it to DC. Last date to apply is Oct. 20.

This post was published on September 30, 2022 5:26 pm
