Home Minister to inaugurate new Devaraja Police Station tomorrow

Mysore/Mysuru: Home Minister Araga Jnanendra will inaugurate the new Devaraja Police Station building, adjacent to the newly constructed Ambedkar Bhavan on Krishna Vilas Road in city.

The two floor building, that houses both Law & Order and Traffic Police Stations, will be inaugurated tomorrow at 8.45 am.

District Minister S.T. Somashekar, MPs Pratap Simha, Sumalatha Ambarish and V. Sreenivasa Prasad, MLAs, MLCs, Chairmen of Boards and Corporations, Mayor Shivakumar, Deputy Mayor Dr. G. Roopa, DG and IGP Praveen Sood, IGP (Southern Range) Pravin Madhukar Pawar, Deputy Commissioner Dr. K.V. Rajendra, Karnataka State Police Housing & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited Chief Engineer Sanjeev V. Maraddi and City Police Commissioner B. Ramesh will be present. Chamaraja MLA L. Nagendra will preside.

This post was published on February 8, 2023 7:50 pm