House burgled at Hootagalli

Mysore/Mysuru: Burglars, who gained entry into a house by opening the door using a duplicate key, have decamped with household items and cash from the house.

The burglary took place at the house of Vasantha, an accountant at a private company and a resident of KHB Colony in Hootagalli.

On the night of Apr. 30, Vasantha, along with her family members, went on a tour and returned in the early morning of May 5.

When they entered the house, they were shocked to see two UPS, two CPUs, two LPG cylinders, stove, mixer, induction stove, a pair of silver lamps and Rs. 35,000 cash missing.

Based on the complaint from Vasantha, Vijayanagar Police, who have registered a case,  are investigating.

This post was published on May 6, 2024 7:29 pm