How responsive our PMO is: A personal experience


I wrote to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) on 13th June 2018 about banning use of carcinogenic pesticides, fertilizers and promote use of safe and natural pesticides in agriculture via NaMo App. My action was an outcome of observation of increasing incidence of cancer within our circles.

There is no need to explain the responsiveness of PM’s Office. Today I got a letter from concerned Ministries of GoI signed by its JD explaining facts and action taken in this regard.

My concern continues but just wanted to appreciate the Prime Minister and his Office for their sincerity.

This is what is expected of the highest offices of the nation. Not necessary to mention the effective follow up on grievances of common man and efforts to solve the problems.

Let’s together build this public and Government liaison in strengthening of problems and quick service delivery system.

– Arun Pandit, Vijayanagar 1st Stage, 1.7.2018

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This post was published on July 5, 2018 6:01 pm