IISc Bengaluru’s booster shot trials to start in early 2022

IISc scientists COVIDIISc scientists COVID

Bengaluru: There is a serious thought in the Government circles of giving additional booster shots (third dose) to protect people from the Delta variant. Already, Thailand, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates have decided to give a third dose to some of them who have taken Sinovac, Sinopharm and AstraZeneca vaccines.

US-based Pfizer is likely to seek permission to give the third booster dose. It is planning to produce scientific data about five to ten times protection from the Coronavirus after taking the booster shots.

The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bengaluru has stated that it may soon have a booster shot that any vaccinated person could be eligible for.

IISc has been working on a COVID-19 vaccine candidate for some time now and its developers are hoping that the protein subunit vaccine could emerge as a vaccine agnostic booster shot. 

This means that no matter what the vaccination history of a person, the shot can be administered as a booster dose. The vaccine cleared animal trials and has gone into manufacturing, in preparation for the phase 1 trials that could start by the beginning of 2022.

This post was published on July 11, 2021 6:39 pm
