Implementation of NEP: Campaign launched to collect one crore signatures

Campaign launched to collect one crore signaturesCampaign launched to collect one crore signatures

Mysore/Mysuru: The Convenor of city’s People’s Forum for Karnataka Education Dr. E.C. Ningaraj Gowda has announced that a signature campaign has been launched on Nov.15 across the State to demand the implementation of National Education Policy-2020 (NEP-2020) in the State.

“The campaign will be on till Nov. 30 and we intend to collect one crore signatures during the period,” he said while addressing the media at Patrakartara Bhavan in city on Tuesday.

“After coming to power in Karnataka, the Congress Government is out to implement an alternate State Education Policy instead of NEP as envisaged by the previous Government. Just because NEP is the brainchild of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the State Government is withdrawing NEP, obviously for political reasons which is deplorable. The NEP-2020 was implemented to make India a strong and self-reliant nation after getting the opinion of all the States. But the decision of the Karnataka Government to scrap the NEP is not correct,”  he regretted.

Stating that the signature campaign is being carried out across the State, he said activists of Akhila Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishat (ABVP), Karnataka Rajya Madhyamika Shikshakara Sangha, Vidya Bharati, Bharatiya Shikshana Mandala, Samskruta Bharati, Gurukula Janaseva Vidyakendra, Rashtrothana Vidyakendra and People’s Forum for Karnataka Education will exert pressure on the State Government  to implement NEP-2020.

 The NEP should be reviewed qualitatively and if there are any minor flaws they should be corrected in the interests of the students. The State Government must shed its anti-NEP attitude,” demanded Ningaraj Gowda.

Former Syndicate Member of Hampi Kannada University Prof. G.C. Rajanna, Dr. K. Vasanthkumar and Prajwal were present at the press meet.

This post was published on November 23, 2023 7:37 pm
