Increasing Wealth Luck

A dripping faucet or a leak in the ceiling indicates draining of money hence get them fixed. After all, when you fix something in your home, you are fixing it in your life.

Feng Shui can be said to be a tool to overcome many obstacles in the life of a person and it does not seem to have a specific boundary or limitation in terms of adaptation.

Although Feng Shui has been seen as an art of space design, it can be used to address specific aspirations in a person’s life. In Feng Shui, relationship, health, progeny, career, prosperity and wealth are few important and the focal point while designing or furnishing a building.

Activating money luck through Feng Shui is something which calls for a meticulous planning and execution. The place of dwelling or office would be the main focal point in activating such aspirations. Everything you see, touch, and live with on a daily basis has an energetic vibration that is interacting with your energetic vibration, affecting it mightily. Money is energy hence creating the right environment to allow it flow is essential in Feng Shui practices. When the energy in your home and workspace flows, the easier it is for money to flow into your life, promoting healthy finances.

Apart from activating wealth luck what is more important is to sustain the opportunity that comes. Hence it is not just activating wealth but maintaining the flow and sustaining what comes in. Financial growth is not just increase in income but it also refers to saving and having the heart to give charity. The cycle of inflow and outflow symbolises energy movement hence abundance and financial growth have a deeper meaning. Art of giving requires an ‘Heart to give’ which signifies financial growth.

The science of Feng Shui attaches a lot of importance to unhindered flow of energy to usher in prosperity and out of the five elements in Feng Shui, the  element water is said to signify wealth and career. Hence flowing water and water features have a lot of importance in terms of their placement and direction of flow.

Few important Feng Shui recommendations for activating career growth and wealth are:

Stop leaky faucets and taps: A dripping faucet or a leak in the ceiling indicates draining of money hence get them fixed. After all, when you fix something in your home, you are fixing it in your life.

Entrance and door: Opportunity is said to knock at the door, hence when it’s attractive and looking its best, it brings in new opportunity and growth.

Burners and stove cleaning: Fire energy is said to usher in growth and prosperity. Hence, a stove with clogged burners and improper flame is said to indicate clogged flow of funds. Keeping the stove and burners clean is essential.

Toilet door and lid shut: The toilet holds a downward spiralling energy. When you close the lid, you are protecting Chi (energy) from going down and away from you. Hence, keeping the toilet door and the lid shut is important.

De-clutter Cupboards: Keep the cupboards where you place your wealth safe clean. Avoid clutter and ensure that the wealth safe always has money in it and is not hidden under clutter.


This post was published on October 21, 2019 6:00 pm