Indo-Tibetan Friendship Society fetes Research team

Bylakuppe: The Indo-Tibetan Friendship Society (ITFS), Bylakuppe Chapter,  recently felicitated Dr. Mustaq, an Associate Professor in Mangalore University and Nipa Basik, a Senior Research Fellow  and Ph.D student under Prof. K. Thangarajan of Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad.

The said Research Team had undertaken the project of studying the behaviour of Tibetans who live in high and low altitude area.  

Speaking on the occasion, Nipa highlighted how CCMB  has contributed to legalise DNA finger printing in the country during late 80s which had been maintaining its excellence in the field of science.

Nipa is  also currently working to elucidate  the Molecular Mechanism of high altitude adaption in Tibetan  population which is now an ongoing project in Prof. Thangarajan’s Lab. Jaison Sequeira,  another Ph. D student was also present on the occasion.

 B.V. Javaregowda,  President of Indo-Tibetan Friendship Society, presided. A.A. Chengappa, General Secretary, introduced the scientists.

The Executive Members of ITFS J.P. Urs,  Geleck, Lakpa Tsering (Settlement Officers),  Lakyap, Sathisha, Rejendra, Shivappa, Naveena, Tenzin Dolma,  Jampa and Tenzin Paljor were present.

This post was published on May 7, 2018 6:32 pm
