Install signal lights at Vijayanagar 4th Stage to curb traffic violation


Whenever I drive to and fro from Vijayanagar 4th Stage  connecting Outer Ring Road (ORR), I have witnessed a total traffic chaos.

The vehicles move on either directions on ORR, speeding past as if it is an Expressway showing least concern to the vehicles entering from 80 feet road to ORR. At times during traffic jam, no vehicles will be able to move even an inch further with none making way for others.

I feel that installing signal lights and making it operational should be the top priority. Further, at every signal point CCTV cameras are to be installed to capture traffic offenders, especially two-wheelers who care a hoot for signals. Traffic offenders must be heavily penalised to prevent them from repeating the offence. I hope the authorities concerned will take a serious look into the menace of traffic violators, who pose danger to others by jumping signals, speeding past, talking on cellphones, while riding and driving their vehicles on wrong side of the road.

– B.G. Balaji, Kanakadasanagar, 28.2.2023

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This post was published on March 25, 2023 7:00 pm