International Women’s Day celebrated at DFRL

International Women's Day celebratedInternational Women's Day celebrated

Mysore/Mysuru: The Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL), DRDO, Ministry of Defence, had hosted International Women’s Day celebrations Mar. 13 and 14 at the SDM Institute for Management Development (SDM-IMD), Mysuru.

The two-day event with the theme SMRITI (Synchronisingly Managing her Research Innovations and Technological Inspirations) commemorated the cultural, political, linguistic and socio-economic achievements of women.

As many as 250 participants from various DRDO Labs took part in the inaugural event. Dr. Vijayalakshmi I. Batekundri, Professor Emeritus and former Head of Department, Paediatric Cardiology, Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Research and Dr. Harpreet Singh, Executive Director, Air India Limited, former CEO, Alliance Air, were the chief guests for the programme.

Dr. Samir V. Kamat, Secretary, Department of Defence R&D and Chairman, DRDO, was the distinguished guest while Dr. Upendra Kumar Singh, Director General, Life Sciences, was the guest of honour. Dr. A.D. Semwal, Director, DFRL, and Dr. R. Kumar, Associate Director, DFRL, presided over the event.  The convener of the event was Dr. R. Shylaja Scientist ‘F’.

The programme started with invocation to the almighty and a souvenir containing 49 articles, 33 technical, 16 non-technical articles by DRDO women employees was released on the occasion. Dr. Harpreet Singh emphasised on the role played by DRDO women scientists and delegates in supporting India’s endeavour for self-reliance.

Awards were presented to the best theme, logo and paper (both in technical and non-technical category). Dr. Chandrika Kaushik, Director General, DRDO (Production Coordination and Services Integration), too spoke. The two-day event featured several cultural programmes, lectures by eminent speakers, paper presentation by award winners, plenary sessions that addressed the issues faced by working women in their work places.

This post was published on March 20, 2023 7:49 pm
