International Women’s Day celebrations: Woman is the life force of Universe

Brahmakumaris, Ramakrishnanagar:  There is no life without woman. But still only when man and woman strive together can health and happiness be established in this society, opined Hemamalini, Principal, ‘Nireekshe’, Special Children Institution, Mysuru.

She was speaking as the chief guest of International Women’s Day celebrations organised by Brahmakumaris, Ramakrishnanagar, Ultimaa Meditation Centre, Mysuru, recently.

She said that to gain success in life, man and woman need to work together. At the same time it has become the prerogative of man to provide equal opportunities and facilities to woman at this juncture. Even in 21st century, woman is sometimes being treated as a second class citizen by the family and the society, despite woman showcasing her abilities and skills. Therefore woman needs to be provided the same forum and position that the other sex is enjoying so that a better society is created.

Dr. Vimalashree, Head of the Dept. Kannada, Sarada Vilas College, Mysuru, in her presidential address, said that in a family atmosphere, it is the patience, perseverance and sacrifice of woman that is helping the family members to progress.

Normally the woman feeds herself last and her attitude that we need to eat only after the men folk are fed is a great virtue. Such are the qualities of woman which she imbibes by her birth that have made her personality stronger though she may be weak physically compared to man.

In Brahmakumaris it is heartening to note that women are the leaders and they take all the decisions for the benefit of the institution. Perhaps this is the only institution of this magnitude in this world which is being run by women. Therefore, Brahmakumaris need to be saluted for their magnificent service that they are rendering to the society. Though this institution is spread all over the world women leaders are ably administering without any hassles.

In his keynote address, Dr.Narayan Hegde, Surgeon, Plastic Surgery, Apollo Hospital, Mysuru, expressed that womanhood is mainly a state of mind which needs to be encouraged for her all round development right from childhood by parents.

A woman has to always feel proud of herself. She has loads of many qualities like patience and sacrifice which she has to utilise in full not only for the benefit of her family but also for the society as such.

BK Vani blessed the audience. BK Rashmi welcomed the gathering. Dr. Shilpa delivered invocation and B.K. Nirmala conducted meditation. Suma Harinath, Director, Swaralaya Music Class, Mysuru, BK Manjula and others were present. B.K. Chandrika managed the stage.

This post was published on April 1, 2018 5:41 pm
