International Workshop on ‘Vedic Recitation and Practices’ Concludes

Mysore/Mysuru: The three-day international virtual workshop on “The Ideology Inherent in the Tradition of Vedic Recitation and Practices — An exposure” jointly organised by Amrita Darshanam-International Centre for Spiritual Studies, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Mysuru Campus and South Zone Cultural Centre, Thanjavur (Ministry of Culture, Government of India) concluded recently at Amrita premises in Bogadi, Mysuru.

The workshop was inaugurated by Prof. K. E. Devanathan, Vice-Chancellor, Karnataka Sanskrit University. In his inaugural address he brought out the relevance and significance of Vedic recitation and remarked that Vedas being the oldest scripture has not lost its sanctity as it has been fiercely protected by the gurus over the ages by strictly adhering to the established style and pattern of chanting and rituals. This is the very reason why UNESCO has acknowledged the Vedas as intangible heritage. 

Dr. Rekha Bhat, Principal, in her welcome address felt that, “if comprehended and adopted appropriately, Vedas have the potential to ensure global peace and contentment.”

The three-day event comprised demonstration of Vedic ritualistic practices dotted with recitations and explanations along with deliberations and interactions on Rigveda, Yajurveda and Samaveda.

The performance of Pavamana Ritual, Rudra Yaga and Darsheshti were the unique features of the workshop. Dr. Vamshi Krishna Ghanapaathi, Dr. Vigneshwara Bhat and Dr. Narasimha Bhat led these rituals along with their scholarly teams.

Chanting system along with its nuances of Rigveda and Samaveda were presented by Vidwan M. Manjunatha and Prof. Manjunatha Shrouti, renowned Samavedic practitioner and Prof. Subrahmanya Bhat respectively.

Sessions on “Relevance and Importance of Vedic Studies in the Modern time” by Dr. C.M. Neelakandhan, former Professor, Sree Sankaracharya University, Kalady; “Influence of the Vedason Various Cultures” by Dr. Santosh Bhagoji More, Director of Samatvam Foundation, USA and “Yogic wisdom enshrined in the Vedas” by Alexander Medin, Director of Nosen Yoga Retreats Centre & Back in the Ring, Norway, were presented.

Prof. K.E. Dharaneedharan, Professor of Sanskrit, Pondicherry University addressed on the topic “The Ideology Inherent in the Tradition of Rigveda.” He opined that there is no author for Vedas and that Rishis are the founders of Vedas not creators. 

Dr. Chakravarthy Ramachandran, Maharaja Sanskrit College, spoke on “Vedic Analytical Theory as per Meemamsa.”

In the valedictory function, Prof. Srinivasa Varakhedi, Vice-Chancellor, Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University, Maharashtra, said Covid-19 pandemic made people return to traditional knowledge for medical solutions and remedies. He opined that the need is not just to preserve Vedas in museums and archive them but to adopt Vedic practices in our daily life.  In the context of new education policy, the scholar should look for ways to blend Vedic knowledge with modern technology to uplift the modern society.

Brahmachari Anantananda Chaitanya, Director and Brahmachari Muktidamrta Chaitanya, Correspondent, Amrita Mysuru; Dr. Vigneshwara Bhat, Workshop Convener; Dr.Srikantha Parida, Workshop Co-Convener and others were present on the occasion.

Over 2,000 participants were witness to the workshop through various online platforms.

This post was published on March 19, 2021 6:37 pm