International Yoga Conference inaugurated at Suttur Mutt

Mysuru: An International Yoga Paramparothsava organised jointly by Yogic Heritage, Shwasa Samsthe and SMP Foundation, was inaugurated by Shwaasa Guru Sri Vachanananda Swamiji yesterday at Suttur Mutt premises at the foot of Chamundi Hill here.

France’s Yoga exponent Yogi Coudoux, 63, speaking on the occasion said, “Yoga will help in building a clean society and a healthy country. Hence, everyone should learn yoga and pranayama and lead a quality life. Everyone should participate in this six-day Paramparothsava.”

Srirangapatna Chandravana Ashram’s Sri Trinethra Mahanta Shivayogi Swamiji said that Prime Minister Modi himself practises yoga and introduced it at the international level, which is a healthy development. Because of his efforts, “International Yoga Day,” is being held in all parts of the world.

Shwaasa Guru Sri Vachanananda Swamiji  called upon the people of Mysuru to participate in the six-day yoga festival in large numbers as some of the leading yoga exponents in the world Victor Truviano, Dr. Madan Ali and 98-year-old Amma Nammamal are participating.

In the evening Satsang, Sharat Jois speaking said that yoga, which blossomed in Mysuru, has now spread to the entire world. Mysuru’s T. Krishnamacharya, B.K.S. Iyengar and Pattabi Jois have been responsible for yoga to be put on international map.

The importance of yoga has been mentioned in the Upanishads itself. It has been passed on from generations. If one has to practice then it has to be done under the guidance of a Guru. Yoga not only helps maintain one’s physical health but also mental health, he said. Littérateur Prof. Maleyaru Guruswamy, K. Vasanthkumar and former MLC Thontadarya were present.

This post was published on October 4, 2017 6:48 pm