Invigorating flow

Feng Shui can harmonise the space. However, to derive full benefits and empower the Feng Shui energies, it is necessary to mindfully project a positive image of the occupants to the world around you. The empowerment ensures that such kind of energy can be drawn towards the home and the occupants.

It’s a known fact in the science of Feng Shui that the  front door must radiate warmth, abundance, peace and togetherness. It should exude a feeling of welcome energy while it attracts new possibilities, as  it also represents new opportunities to attract abundance and prosperity. A flow of positive energy (Chi) in your home will help you create a balanced, peaceful and happy environment. Chi should move around in a slow, meandering and steady flow. This is best created by placing beautiful objects and furniture in your home in a position that invites energy                   to linger.

In reality, Feng Shui is all about specifically altering the  personal experience of places to make them more positive and more prosperous to the occupants. The traditional school Feng Shui emphasises on the fact that where you live and how you allocate and arrange the rooms or elements of your home or workplace can significantly affect the harmony of your health, wealth and happiness. By understanding the environment, design and flow of energies in a space and allowing the energy or Chi to  augment, you can affect the whole tenor of your well-being.

Apart from proper design, decor and maintaining good flow of energy into your space, it is equally important to have light and fresh air to stream in. Humans need sunlight. It is a known fact that sunlight plays a vital role in health and well-being of the occupants of a home. Sunlight keeps our bodily rhythms, glands and hormones regular and  lowers blood pressure. Light also activates and enhances Chi of the space and hence, having clean windows and allowing natural light to come in would be beneficial. The element of fresh air will aid in cleansing and charging up the environment with positive emotions. Letting wind stream through the home is a time-tested method to purify the space and create stability of mind too.

Your house is a metaphor for what you want in your life and your intentions. If you want more prosperity, happiness and joy, then focus on transforming home into a living affirmation of joy and abundance.

• Place healthy plants and flowering plants within the home and entrance lobby.

• Use a clear glass vase to display orange or yellow flowers on the kitchen table.

• Explore possibility of placing running water from a fountain or aquarium filter, such that it runs towards the centre of your home and not towards  the door.

• Place green plants which is the Feng Shui element symbolising wood towards East sector.

• Use incense sticks, burn scented candles or aroma therapy oils to sweeten the air.

• A decorative dragon carved of wood or made of China ware near main door or East is auspicious.


This post was published on March 25, 2019 6:10 pm