Is BTC a safe investment?

If you stay updated on the news, you might be well aware that cryptocurrencies have been subjected to many crime reports in recent years. Since 2016, there has been an almost 312% increase in crimes related to cryptocurrencies every year. However, the data taken up from the Federal Trade Commission by a news report analyses the cryptocurrency crime trends in recent years. Of course, the criminals are not scared of getting any punishment regarding digital threats and hugs. But, on the other hand, the cryptos can come to a threat from the hackers who can steal your crypto coins, and also, there are a lot of people reporting crimes related to cryptocurrency scams.

Bitcoin has experienced the most number of crimes in the past few years. As a result, there has been an increase in some situations among cryptocurrency investors over the past few years. The main reason the scams and many hacks occur in bitcoin is the frequency of the value fluctuations. The value of bitcoins activates more than any other crypto coin globally, which makes it more volatile and vulnerable. Therefore, it is essential to ensure the safety of your crypto coins when it is 2022 and the technology is ever advancing. Even though there has been fraudulently kept in bitcoin, investment experts do not accept a massive cyber security and safety threat.

It is all that Blockchain technology is safe and secure, safeguarding the whole bitcoin network. If the Blockchain network hadn’t offered such a high degree of security for the trip a coin, it would not have gone such a long way. Therefore, you need to know about bitcoins, if they are a safe investment for you or not. Also, you should know how to keep your cryptocurrency safe and secure away from hackers and scammers.

Considerations before you buy

First things first, before you put your money in cryptocurrencies, you should know that your money will never be safe because of the value fluctuations. Bitcoin is a very volatile investment that you are ever going to make in the history of your life. If you consider going with something saved as an investment, you should never go with bitcoin as it will never guarantee you fixed returns. Bitcoin and every other cryptocurrency that exist today are not safe for investment if you do not take losses. For the record, just in the past six months, bitcoin has been moving around the value of $30,000-$6000 on Therefore, bitcoin is a very volatile cryptocurrency to invest your money and bitcoin, but others are the same. Also, it is essential to know that some other small coins at the market capitalization and value can be even riskier.

Cryptocurrencies are volatile investments. Unless and until you are ready to lose your sleep, you should never invest in such an investment venture. Experts say it is always the best option to invest only 5% of your portfolio into cryptocurrencies. It is because you are going to get an excellent conventional retirement plan by this, and also, you will have some emergency funds which you can use in case of bad situations.

What are BTC risks?

The most significant risk or threat you will experience by investing your money in bitcoin is the theft or hack of your crypto coin. Cryptocurrency crimes have been rising since 2013. According to the federal trade commission, every person who uses bitcoin will lose $1900 between October 2020 and March 2021 on average. Also, scammers are available on the Internet who asks you to pay in cryptocurrencies. These are solicitors who may not be genuine and therefore, keeping your eyes on them is essential for you to do.

Cryptocurrencies are invented as a medium of making secure payments, but when the person sitting on the next corner of the payment is a scammer himself, how can you even believe it to be hundred per cent safe and secure. Hence, cryptocurrencies need even more revolution than it has now, possibly making them a secure investment option for the future.

This post was published on February 14, 2022 6:19 pm