Jhasne Eid Meelad-un-Nabi

The Sher-e-Tippu Nowjawan Meelad Committee, Hanumanthanagar, will be celebrating Jhasne Eid Meelad-un-Nabi on Feb. 11 at 9 pm behind Salfi Masjid, EWS Street, Hanumanthanagar in city. Hazarath Moulana Mohammed Irshad Alam Ashrafi, Khateeb-o-Imam, Masjid Rehamaniya, Ahle Sunnath, near Mysore Silk Factory, will speak on the life of Prophet Mohammed. Ulmas and prominent religious leaders will participate. Separate seating arrangements will be made for ladies. Mass feeding will be held on Feb. 12 between 6 am and 9 am, according to a press release.

This post was published on February 8, 2017 12:43 am
