Jhasne Sandal Urus Shariff celebrations in city

Mysuru:  Sandal Urus Shariff celebration of Hazarath Syed Sha Mohd.Umere-e-Mehzaar Khadri and Hazarath Syed Dastagir, Char Baras Kei Peer R.A.’s Sandal Urus Shariff, will be held on Aug.15 at 5.30 pm at Bada Makan on Mysuru-Bengaluru Road in city.

On Aug.14 at 12 midnight, Noorani Sandal will be conducted. Mass feeding Tabruk will be arranged for the participants on Aug.14 and 15 at 7 pm.

The celebrations will be held under the guidance of Hazarath Syed Sha Mohd. Ghouse Peeran Khadree Shataree Saheb.

Tribute and homage will be followed by Fatha Khani and Darud Salam. The Sandal Urus procession, accompanied by Fukras and Duff Jamath, starts from the residence of Hazarath Syed Sha Ishthiaq Peeran Khadree, pass through the main streets of the city and  reach the Darga Shariff. For details, contact on Mob:81234-74220 or 78927-33917.

This post was published on August 12, 2018 6:23 pm