Join hands for Swachh Mysuru


Come January, “Swachh Bharat” is on politicians’ and officials’ lips? Why? Simple. Everyone wants Mysuru to regain the “Cleanest City” tag.

Once Swachh Survekshan team comes, inspects and then announces the list, the drama is over. Then the blame-game starts if we do not get the top ranking. Why does the Mysuru City Corporation (MCC) keep quiet for the whole year?

Recently, I had been to Hebbal Industrial Area and I found dirt all around the factory areas.

I do not know how many of you have traversed a 500-metre road connecting Lalitha Mahal Road to Chamundi Hill. There is an Ayurvedic Centre on that road. Every day evening, 3 to 4 staff of the Centre (on rotation basis) come out to the road, and with gloves on, they clean the road of all plastic and other waste — a half-an-hour’s job.

Since I walk on that road practically every day, I asked one of the staff about this and he mentioned to me that every employee of the Centre is put on a rotation basis for this job.

Imagine, without paying a single rupee extra, a half-a-kilometre road is cleaned every day from so many years. Why can’t our industrialists in Hebbal walk the talk and emulate this practice?

Through this, they can ensure that all roads outside their factories are kept clean — a simple but effective solution with no extra cost.

– N.K.A. Ballal , Mysuru , 21.1.2019

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This post was published on January 23, 2019 5:40 pm