JSS STU to start first CSBS 4-year BE course in State

Mysuru:  To address the growing need of engineering talent with skills in digital technology, TCS, in partnership with leading academicians across India, has designed a curriculum for 4-year UG programme on Computer Science (CS) titled ‘Computer Science and Business Systems (CSBS).’

JSS Science & Technology University (formerly SJCE) is the first Varsity in Karnataka to offer this course from 2019-20.

The curriculum aims to ensure that the students graduating from the prog. not only know the core topics of CS but also develop an equal appreciation of humanities, management sciences and human values.  

The students are exposed to emerging topics such as Analytics, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) etc., to make them industry-ready at the end of four years of study. This curriculum has been approved by the Executive Committee of AICTE and is available in the AICTE drop-down menu of nomenclatures for engineering course.

TCS launched this course in 2018-19. JSS Science and Technology University, Mysuru, recently signed a MoU with TCS to offer CSBS programme to the students in the upcoming batch.

This post was published on May 15, 2019 7:48 pm
