K-CET ‘out of syllabus’ Q papers: State Government forms four Committees

Karnataka CET beginsKarnataka CET begins

Bengaluru: As students and parents are in a state of bother  over the lapses in the K-CET question papers,the State Government on Monday formed 4 Committees to review the charges that several questions were out of syllabus in the 4 Core subjects of Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology, which has been a cause of deep worry for the students.

The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) had conducted the CET-2024 on Apr.18 and 19 across the state for admission to professional courses( Engineering, Technology, Agriculture, Pharmacy, Horticulture etc.,)  in colleges of Karnataka. The students and as well as Lecturers had claimed that about 25 percent of the Question papers in the Four core subjects were out of the prescribed syllabus.

Based on the claims, the Government, taking note of the future of students,  has formed committees comprising of subject experts for each of the 4 subjects to find out whether the questions were out of syllabus. Each committee will have three members. The committees have been asked to submit their report within a week, following which the future course of action  will be taken based on the reports.

Higher Education Department Principal Secretary M.S. Srikar said that the KEA has given time to CET students to file their objections regarding question papers by Apr. 27.

The KEA has also been asked to submit a detailed report on the matter, he added.

This post was published on April 23, 2024 7:39 pm
