Kadamba Utsava from tomorrow

Kadamba Utsava will be held at RamaGovinda Rangamandira in Ramakrishnanagar here from Jan.12 to 14, said  Kadamba Rangavedike President Rajashekar Kadamba at a press meet held at Patrakarthara Bhavan yesterday. Cine actor Shankar Ashwath will inaugurate the theatre festival on Jan.12 at 6.30 pm. Joint Director of Kannada and Culture Department V.N. Mallikarjunaswamy and Assistant Director Dr. M.D. Sudarshan will be the chief guests. The drama “Neelambike” will be staged at 7 pm. On Jan.13 at 7 pm, “Hing Madidre Henge” will be staged and on Jan.14 at 7 pm, “Parinaya Prasanga” will be staged. Kadamba Rangavedike Vice-President U.S. Ramanna, D. Thippanna and Pavitra Phani were present at the presss meet

This post was published on January 11, 2023 6:05 pm