Kanakabhisheka to Swamiji

Kanakabhisheka to SwamijiKanakabhisheka to Swamiji

Mysore/Mysuru: Avadhoota Datta Peetham Junior pontiff Sri Datta Vijayananda Theertha Swamiji offered Kanakabhisheka to Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji on behalf of thousands of devotees gathered at Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Ashram premises on Nanjangud Road, as part of Sahasra Chandra Darshana Shanti Mahotsava organised marking the Swamiji’s 80th birthday celebrations.

Vishnu Saharsanama was chanted during the Kanakabhisheka. Pradhana Yaga — Ayushya Homa, Lakshmi Narayana Homa were also held on the occasion. Sri Ganapathy Swamiji did Dasha Dana (refers to 10 things that are donated for the poor Brahmins).

All the rituals are being performed to bring peace and prosperity to the world for better rains, crop, health etc.

This post was published on February 5, 2023 7:43 pm
