Kukkarahalli Lake full to brim: Walking banned

Many trees leaning precariously; bund breaches at couple of places

Mysore/Mysuru: For the first time in recent years, the iconic Kukkarahalli Lake has filled to its brim and taking into consideration the safety of morning and evening walkers, especially senior citizens and children, walking has been temporarily banned. The decision to ban walking has been taken by the authorities of University of Mysore — the Lake’s custodian.

Many trees are leaning precariously and they might fall at any moment due to loosened soil, covered with water and slush.

While the Lake bund has breached at one place from where water enters the Lake from Paduvarahalli side, the walking path too has caved-in and as a precaution, branches have been placed on the hole to alert the passers-by.

Overflowing water has entered the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre and the building has been covered by water on all sides. No activity can take place in the building unless the water level recedes.

Speaking to SOM, University Registrar Prof. R. Shivappa said that he had visited the Lake last evening along with a team of engineers and assessed the situation. “The historic bund that carries water from Paduvarahalli has been damaged due to the breach and it needs to be repaired. Also, there are many trees that are dangerously leaning towards the Lake and also the walking path. Safety is of primary concern for us and we have taken a decision to ban visitors to the Lake including morning and evening walkers,” he said.

Excess water that has entered areas outside the Lake boundaries will have to be pumped out and the water level has to recede for normalcy to be restored, the Registrar added without providing any timeline to restore public entry into the Lake premises.

This post was published on October 18, 2022 6:45 pm