‘Limit your expectations for a healthy life’

Limit your expectations for a healthy lifeLimit your expectations for a healthy life

Mysore/Mysuru: The Elder Citizens Council & Trust had organised a lecture-cum-demonstration programme on  ‘Holistic Health Care Practices by Self (meditation) to support Healthy Life’ by Viejna K. Rao, Facilitator, Health Care & Wellness Advisor, as part of the Council’s monthly series of ‘Health Talk’ at its Saraswathi Samudaya Bhavan in Jayalakshmipuram.

Viejna, a native of  Mangaluru, highlighted various factors that bring about sufferings in the form of depression and frustration in mind affecting normal health, which may require immediate support by way of control of emotions, sentiments and control over the mind to come back to normal life. 

This can be overcome by diversion and control of mind. This is generally observed in both young and old generations as per the situation, she said.

Viejna said one can find solace in mind through pranayama by regularly practising Muladhara, Swadhistana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishudha, Ajnachakra and Sahasrana Chakras to control the mind to lead a peaceful life free from depression.

The speaker also demonstrated various Mudra pranayamas including the Gnana mudra (mind activation), Apana vayu mudra (relief from heart diseases) and many more to make the programme proactive.

 Dr. H.M. Nagaraju, President of Elder Citizens Council, presided.  Gowdappa, Chairman of the Trust, was present.

K.S. Krishna, Secretary, welcomed and introduced the speaker to the audience. Prof. Javare Gowda, Treasurer, proposed the vote of thanks.

Prof. Jagannath, retired  ISRO scientist, who was among the audience, appreciated the efforts of the speaker to highlight the need for developing love and affection among the family members and friends that can bring about relief against any depression or frustration in life. 

Other members present included K.V. Ramanath, Vice- President of the Council, S.V. Venkateshaiah, K.V.K. Naidu, L.N. Achar, C. Sundaresh, S. Manorama, Suseela Mari Gowda, V.R. Shyamala, G.H. Anandaram, Ramasesh, Chidananda, V. Prasada, Sridhara, Jayapal to name a few.

This post was published on May 22, 2024 7:27 pm
