Limit your mobile phone usage: DCP tells students


Mysore/Mysuru: “Students need to reduce mobile phone and internet usage and cultivate more reading habits,” said Deputy Commissioner of Police (Crime and Traffic) B.T. Kavitha.

She was speaking at an interaction programme with parents held at Maharani’s Arts College for Women, organised by the Graduate and Post-graduate Centre of  the Psychology department of the college in association with IQAC recently. 

The DCP suggested students to cultivate reading habits and spend more time reading newspapers, especially  editorial columns to improve their language.

Speaking on the occasion, the Principal of Prisons Training Institute Mahesh Kumar S Jigani advised parents to educate their children, especially girl children. “Rather than watching TV and spending most of their time on social media such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram and Twitter, I would advise youngsters to visit a library and read books,” he said. College Principal Dr. B.T. Vijay, HoD of Psychology Department Prof. M.S. Manonmani, IQAC Convenor Dr. Puttaraju and others were present.

This post was published on January 27, 2020 6:24 pm
