Lodging of false criminal case: Third Addl. Sessions Court upholds JMFC Court order

Mysore/Mysuru: Third Additional District and Sessions Court has upheld the verdict of a JMFC Court which had awarded jail sentence to one Shankaregowda of Anandur village in the taluk, for lodging a false criminal case against Prof. M. Siddaramegowda, retired Principal of VV Puram PU College in Bengaluru.

Shankaregowda had filed four cases including two murder cases against Prof. Siddaramegowda. After Prof. Siddaramegowda was acquitted in all the cases, he had filed a defamation suit against Shankaregowda and the then 2nd JMFC Court Judge  C.N. Munirathnam had awarded two year jail term and imposed Rs. 10,000 fine on Shankaregowda.

Questioning the order of  2nd JMFC Court, Shankaregowda had filed an appeal at the third Additional District and Sessions Court. Judge K. Bhagya, has upheld the judgement of the JMFC Court.

This post was published on January 12, 2024 7:31 pm
